The Scripture is the standard of truth, the judge of controversy; it is the pole star to direct us to heaven. The Scripture is the compass by which the rudder of our will is to be steered.
It is the field in which Christ, the pearl of price, is hidden. It is a rock of diamond; It is a spiritual optic glass in which the glory of God is resplendent.
It is the panacea or universal medicine for the soul. The leaves of Scripture are like ‘the leaves of the tree of life for the healing of the nations.’
King Edward VI., on the day of his coronation, had presented before him three swords, signifying that he was the monarch of three kingdoms. The King said there was one sword wanting; being asked what that was, he answered, ‘the Holy Bible, which is the sword of the Spirit, and is to be preferred before all these ensigns of royalty.’ Thomas Watson
Dear church let us go to the scriptures for our very lives; to neglect the scriptures is to take away the oxygen of your spiritual life and suffocate in the worries and lies of the world. Pastor Mark