GHBC Children are Our Future

Sunday School – 9:30am on Sundays

Mission Class – 7pm on Wednesdays

JUNE 10-14, 2024   🌿🦁🐒 What an unforgettable adventure into the heart of the jungle at Granite Hills Baptist Church Vacation Bible School!   Exploration of the 7 C’s of History: 1️⃣ Creation 2️⃣ Corruption 3️⃣ Catastrophe 4️⃣ Confusion 5️⃣ Christ 6️⃣ Cross 7️⃣ Consummation  

🎉Exciting activities, captivating stories, and meaningful lessons that ignite your child’s imagination and deepen their understanding of God’s plan for humanity!


Wolf Mountain Children’s Camp is June 17-22, 2024

Early registration due Sunday, March 3rd

Please talk to or email Mrs. Hope Morton for more details