
Dear church, I’d like to share a poem I wrote while reflecting on the present encouragement that comes from recalling God’s past faithfulness. I hope it inspires you to recall God’s perfect track record of promise keeping in your own experience and provides you with encouragement to persevere as it has done for me time and time again.

He owns the sea, great and wide,

And everything that lives inside.

O how much more can God provide

And see His children’s needs supplied!

All things at His disposal are–

Each molecule, each wandering star.

Is His hand short? My need too far?

No! Jesus is a reservoir!

For never once has my Lord failed

To meet a need, yet I’ve travailed

As anxious thoughts my mind assailed,

But each time, Providence prevailed!

O patient Father, full of grace,

Please teach me not to doubt Your pace.

Your timing’s flawless as I trace

How You’ve provided, case by case.

Pastor Mike