In Zechariah 2:1-5, the prophet sees a vision of a man carrying a measuring tape. When Zechariah asks the man where he’s going, the man replies that he’s going to measure the city of Jerusalem. However, before he’s able to begin measuring it, two angels apprehend the man and tell him that he’s using the wrong tool. They inform him that he’s thinking too small, focusing on the physical length and width of the city, because God has something far grander in store for His people. In fact, He intends to expand His kingdom far beyond the walls of the sacred city and protect His growing people with His very presence. His kingdom will be like a city without walls guarded by a wall of fire. Try putting a measuring tape against that!
As I read and re-read this passage, I couldn’t help but consider the following question: How am I measuring the success of our church? The world tells me to look at attendance and income, and God has certainly been increasing both of those. However, what measure does God instruct me to use? As I pondered this critical question, the Spirit brought Micah 6:8 to mind, which says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” The answer is Christ-likeness. The measure of our church’s health is how much its members look like Jesus. Are we imitating our Lord Jesus in humility, kindness, and justice? May God help us to grow to think, speak, and act more and more like Jesus, and may we measure our success based on that reality.
Pastor Mike