Eric Metzger

Eric Metzger

“Have You Repented?”

Thomas Watson is one of my favorite Puritans to read.  His works are very descriptive and have very concise and short illustrations.  He puts repentance into 6 ingredients to be true repentance.  Dear church, Jesus declares that unless you repent…

A Veil of Darkness

            In 1738, Charles Wesley wrote a hymn called And Can It Be? and penned these words that describe the natural state of the human heart and what it takes to change it: Long my imprisoned spirit lay, Fast bound…

Discipling the Next Generation

            Dear church, it has been one of my greatest joys to teach and disciple our youth for almost seven years now, and I want to thank you for all the prayer and practical support you have invested in the…


The world has mauled biblical standards. In my time through high school, hardly anyone I met wanted a mature partner or a godly relationship; I’ve seen many seek the opposite (and with much desperation). I’ve seen relationships that were terribly…

“My Father’s Voice in Prayer”

In the silence that falls on my spiritWhen the clamor of life loudest seems,Comes a voice that floats in tremulous notesFar over my sea of dreams.I remember the dim old vestry,And my father kneeling there;And the old hymns thrill with…

“The Promises of God to His people!”

A promise from God is a statement we can depend on with absolute confidence. Here are 12 promises for the Christian to claim. God’s presence — “I will never leave thee” (Heb. 13:5) God’s protection — “I am thy shield”…

“Judgement Day”

“The time was the 19th of May 1780. The place was Hartford, Connecticut. The day has gone down in New England history as a terrible foretaste of Judgment Day. For at noon the skies turned from blue to gray and…

A Mark of Mercy

Our text this week is Genesis 4, and I’d like to share this poetic retelling of Yahweh confronting Cain after he killed his brother, Abel. Consider Yahweh’s relentless mercy! The cursed ground blushed, drunk from Abel’s lifeblood, As Cain, still…

“Then I will be good!”

When Queen Victoria was a child, she didn’t know she was in line for the throne of England. Her instructors, trying to prepare her for the future, were frustrated because they couldn’t motivate her. She just didn’t take her studies…